Kathryn McConkey - The Best Osteopath in Barcelona

I don't usually post non technical stuff on my blog but I would really like anyone living in Barcelona to know about my osteopath, Kathyn McConkey. I have had chronic neck and upper spine issues for years, and I have seen many physio therapists, including spine specialists, quiropractors and osteopaths. But none were able to help me. Then I found Kathrn McConkey and her Osteopatia del Mar practice three years ago and it changed my life for the better.

I have been on sick leave the last two weeks with a lower back muscle spasm. It has been extremely painful and after a few days of being in bed I was able to walk with crutches but I was all crooked. After 8 days I stopped improving and actually started to get worse. So I went to see Katy and she diagnosed the problem, and after an hour of work I was able to stand straight and walk without crutches. I took the bus home and walked the 15 minutes to my house unsupported. Now two days later I am almost 100%.

She is so experienced and is constantly going to conferences and increasing her mastery. I have found the osteopaths both in the UK and Spain a bit of a mixed bag, (mostly good though). Some just want to manipulate your spine and be done with it. But Katy really sees the body as a whole, I think she must be able to visualise in her head, every bone, muscle, ligament and tendon in my body.

So, if you live in Barcelona and have back, neck, hip or other pains then please talk to her. She has reliably helped me over the last three years.

Her website is: http://www.osteopatiadelmar.com/